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Cough Assist

CoughAssist Mechanical Insufflator-ExsufflatorCoughAssist is a noninvasivetherapy that safely and consistently removes secretions in patients withan ineffective ability to cough (peak cough flow <270 l/m). Typical CoughAssist patients include thosewith the following conditions: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Spinal muscular atrophy Muscular dystrophy Myasthenia gravis Spinal cord injuries Post-polioCoughAssistclears secretions by gradually applying a positive pressure to theairway, then rapidly shifting to negative pressure. The rapid shift inpressure produces a high expiratory flow, simulating a natural cough. Benefitsof CoughAssist Removes secretions from the lungs Reduces the occurrence of respiratory infections Safe, noninvasive alternative to suctioning Easy for patients and caregivers to operateCoughAssistFlexibility Can be used with a face mask, mouthpiece or with an adapter to a patient's endotracheal or tracheostomy tube Approved for home use in adults and children Available in automatic and manual models

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