Drew’s Story…
At birth, he was diagnosed with a disease named Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as brittle bone disease. He was born with 52 broken bones. When he was born, the doctors didn’t think he would live longer than 24 hours. He has broken over 400 bones in his lifetime. Along with the broken bones, he has had numerous surgeries, a feeding tube, and requires a tracheostomy with a ventilator to breathe. He is unable to walk, sit up or stand. In 2017 he was diagnosed with bone cancer which caused him to undergo a leg amputation.
Through all his complication, he his proud to say he graduated from high school with honors. He strives to be compassionate and an inspiration to everyone he meets. He always wants to put a smile on everyone’s face and leave them with inspirational words.
Drew said, he was always taught that he is not his diagnosis, to never judge a book by its cover, to believe in himself, and to do unto others as he would have them do unto him.
Drew says he was inspired to write this book because of my cancer diagnosis, amputation, followed by aggressive chemotherapy. The main character in his book is a portrayal of himself. Drew states, “I am the cool kid and the adventurer.” His strengths and heroism shine through despite his broken leg, and it never stopped him from being a hero. Drew wants everyone to know they must find their strengths and never give up.
If you're interested in purchasing the book or would like to reach Drew, you can send an email to: [email protected].